June 2023

Friday, 23 June 2023

What Is Extreme Tourism For?

Sabrina Imbler, Defector: “Who is allowed to choose risk, and who is condemned to it?”


Monday, 19 June 2023

Inhuman Writing for Google Is Eating the Web

Nick Heer: “At the same time, I have also noticed a growing number of businesses — particularly restaurants — with little to no web presence. They probably have a listing in Apple Maps and Google Maps, an Instagram page, and a single-page website, but that could be their entire online presence.”


Thursday, 15 June 2023

Nobody Thinks It Will Happen to Them: New Research on Covid

Jessica Wildfire: “… 49 percent of children hospitalized with Covid last year didn’t have any underlying medical conditions.”


Sunday, 11 June 2023

The Upper Atmosphere Is Cooling, Prompting New Climate Concerns

Fred Pearce, Yale Environment 360: “If we thought the thinning ozone layer was a 20th century worry, we may have to think again.”


Saturday, 10 June 2023

Reporters rushing to red-state diners need to rethink their goals

Dan Froomkin: “That’s the story of the decade, and here’s a sterling chance for some reporters to take a stab at telling it.”


Thursday, 8 June 2023

The Climate Crisis Was Always Real. Now It’s in Your Lungs

Jeff Goodell, Rolling Stone: “It is rooted not only in the ancient idea that wealth and privilege buys immortality, but also in foolish economic arguments about the social cost of climate change would be ‘manageable,’ maybe a few points off the GDP by the end of the century.”
