January 2012

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Apple’s iPad and the Human Costs for Workers in China

NYTimes.com: “But do you know how easy dust is to control? It’s called ventilation. We solved this problem over a century ago.”


Monday, 23 January 2012

Not Piracy

Tim Bray: “And any­one who claims that unau­tho­rized trans­mis­sion of bits is anal­o­gous to piracy is at least a liar and is deeply dis­re­spect­ful of the peo­ple who are suf­fer­ing the ef­fects of theft, kid­nap­ping, and mur­der right now today in the In­dian Ocean.”


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Was This Time Different On the Economy?

Rortybomb: “But either way,  in addition to forgetting things since Keynes, we are also in the business of forgetting things from the 19th century.”
