Irrational Physics: Elementary particles
There is a theory which states that the reason we have particles the way we do is that any universe in which all particles behaved differently in the slightest way would not wind up with the universe we have today, but there may be other universes in which particles and forces have different properties. Question: what if we actually did start with a universe in which there were all sorts of particles with different forces (i.e. you could have an “electron” with all sorts of different options for charge and mass") but the “it only works if the numbers are this way” collapsed the universe of particles into the limited subset we see today. By way over overextended analogy, think of “life” simulations which tend to collapse to a small number of self replicating surviving objects while everything else is wiped out.
In this scenario, “electron” is not really an elementary particle from the beginning of the universe, it’s just one of the classes of particles which survived to the later stages of the universe. Ditto all other particles.
Follow-on question: what sorts of interactions would cause the sort of cancelation and annihilation of all but the existing particle/force combinations and would there be any observable evidence available today?