Hmm. I got mentioned in ClickZ. Note that I did not say that we should break’s patents, the patents are completely unrelated to the issue.

What I said was that things like one click ordering were a bad idea (from a security point of view), everyone (who thought about security) knew they were a bad idea, and then Amazon went and did it and patented it (and has not yet suffered a breakin), so now business people (who do not think about security issues) think it’s a good idea. That is completely seperate from the issue of’s patents.

I did (sort of) say the stuff in the first paragraph mentioning me.

Note that what I (sort of) said in that first paragraph was in alignment with what I say here (above) but the direct opposite of what Blankenhorn claims I said about


“The more you say, the less people hear.” - Harry Beckwith

There’s a Wittgenstein note on the subject, I can’t remember it. Grn.
