March 1999

Wednesday, 31 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 31, 1999

There’s no such thing as being too obsessed with Star Wars. (Posted to Art)


Tuesday, 30 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 30, 1999

Doomed Engineers: who they were, what they built, how they died. (Posted to Culture)


Sunday, 28 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 28, 1999

Ancient Egyptians had flight? (Posted to Transportation)


Archived Memepool Post: Mar 28, 1999

Write into thin air, with Spacewriter. (Posted to Gadgets)


Tuesday, 23 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 23, 1999

The Tool Logic Tool Lite Deluxe contains a light, knife, screwdriver, phillips head screwdriver, nail file, toothpick, tweezer and inch/cm rules in a 1/8" thick thick credit card shape. As seen in Jeff Bezos’ pants! (Posted to Gadgets)


Wednesday, 17 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 17, 1999

The brainchild of Larry Ellison, Mitchell Kertzman, and David Roux, HEYIDIOT.COM combines a vertical portal and irrational exhuberance to take the Internet stock crazy to its rational conclusion. (Posted to Finance)


Sunday, 14 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 14, 1999

Scholar/Author Vernor Vinge postulates on how rapidly accelarating technological change will lead to the end of humanity as we know it. (Posted to Commentary)


Thursday, 11 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 11, 1999

Itsy. It’s a PDA. It runs Linux. It’s smaller than a Palm III. It does speech recognition. We’re not so sure about this whole “Rock ‘n’ Scroll” UI, though. (Posted to Gadgets)


Archived Memepool Post: Mar 11, 1999

Legal industry sales strategist Mike O'Horo’s Results Mail explains simple techniques for non-salesmen to successfully sell. (Posted to Commerce)


Tuesday, 9 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 9, 1999

Roadsite is a collection of sites related to highways (North American Route Numbering), roads (misc.transport.road FAQ), and more. (Posted to Reference)


Sunday, 7 March 1999

Archived Memepool Post: Mar 7, 1999

Afraid to pursue your life long dream of owning a pizza delivery joint because the pizza industry doesn’t have an equivalent to Red Herring? Relax, it does: Pizza Today. Next question: why? (Posted to Food)
