November 1998

Monday, 30 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 30, 1998

MIND CONTROL! Of your computer? (Posted to Computing)


Thursday, 19 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 19, 1998

If Oracle can put a file system into a database, someone can put an file system in perl. (Posted to Computing)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 19, 1998

Microsoft reveals that its competitors are actually trying to compete with it. Or something. (Posted to Conspiracy)


Saturday, 14 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 14, 1998

Star Wars Episode I Poster (Posted to Movies)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 14, 1998

Okay, so Y2K may cause the end of the world after all. (Posted to Computing)


Wednesday, 11 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 11, 1998

The / pissing contest continues! Nov. 6, 1998: 1:43 PM, 5:01 PM, 7:52 PM (all EST). (Posted to Humor)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 11, 1998

A new kind of advertising? A Slashdot poll reveals that a substantial number of people will go see whatever movie the Star Wars: Episode 1 trailer is attached to. Does this mean filmmakers will pay to be allowed to run the preview, as opposed to the other way around? (Posted to Media)


Tuesday, 10 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 10, 1998

Web advertising reaches new heights of classiness with the Webzine ‘98 'banners’. Warning: contains scatalogical references. (Posted to Commentary)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 10, 1998

Laptop batteries keep running out? Try wiring it up to a compact car battery…. (Posted to Computing)


Monday, 9 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 9, 1998

Steve McConnell has written three of the most prominent books on software project management, as well as numerous articles (available on his web site). (Posted to Computing)


Sunday, 8 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 8, 1998

Haven’t had a date since a Republican lived in the Whitehouse? May we suggest some random pickup lines from the people who brought you A Night at the Roxbury? (Posted to Sex)


Friday, 6 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 6, 1998

New York topless clubs find a creative way to get by Giuliani’s ban on most “adult” establishments: let kids in. (Posted to Politics)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 6, 1998

With the recent proof of a black hole at the center of the Milky Way, astronomers are digging around the center of the galaxy, to find that it’s a pretty interesting place. (Posted to Science)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 6, 1998

aMac: what rabid Apple fans with Steve would produce. Some H. R. Geiger required. (Posted to Humor)


Wednesday, 4 November 1998

Archived Memepool Post: Nov 4, 1998

New advances allow police forensic examiners to uniquely identify masked criminals by the fading pattern on their jeans. (Posted to Science)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 4, 1998

Matt’s Hack TV lets you do on-the-fly conversion of TV formats (NTSC, PAL, SECAM) using an AV PowerMac. (Posted to Gadgets)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 4, 1998

Decorate ala spo0ky, with Gothic Martha Stewart. (Posted to Fashion)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 4, 1998

If you weren’t sick enough of Open Source Evangelism, along comes “The Halloween Document” - an allegedly internal Microsoft strategy document dealing with the Open Source software methodology “threat”, complete with only slightly misguided editorial from Open Source advocates. (Posted to Computing)


Archived Memepool Post: Nov 4, 1998

New studies reveal: Jesus was “goth as fuck”. (Posted to Culture)
